Saturday, April 11, 2015

Daily Character Sketches

I haven't been blogging much in the last year. Mostly that is due to making a lot more art. Strangely, I haven't been doing much to share that art on here, the blog I originally designed for such a purpose. For those who follow my twitter, @tentaclenews, have probably seen my newest personal challenge.
I had a friend help me build a random name generator, that draws from a list of nearly 300 characters. Every morning I pull up a randomly chosen name and do a quick drawing of that character. It has helped me loosen up, warm up for my daily work, and break out of my usual style. And, unlike my attempted group drawing project, this is quick. I draw the name and give myself 30-45 minutes to make something. No days of planning, no hours of opportunity to refine a finished work.

These are characters and properties I do not own. They are not intended for sale or promotion, but merely as an artistic exercise and a chance to draw and work with the characters I have come to love and be inspired by.

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