For the past 2 years, apart from working on a graphic novel, a couple books, and other illustration projects; I have been working with my cousin to flesh out the look of his role-playing game The 5 Kingdoms. He and his gaming group have been working out the details of this fantastic world for a long time, and my cousin, Austin Penick, has done a great job documenting it all in detailed articles in a completely cross-referencing wiki. A while back, he approached me to update and rework some of the artwork and designs for the major deities in his imaginary world. I haven't shared many of these illustrations, but they are certainly works I have really enjoyed creating. They are a great creative outlet and awesome illustration practice between major projects.
I thought I would finally take the chance to share a few of these illustrations in a few sporadic posts. If you want to check out even more of the rpg project and my illustrations as they are implemented, you can check out the
5 Kingdoms Tome of Knowledge.
Avaruum - Goddess of Greed Illustration by Jeff Powers © 2012 |
Avaruum's design was pretty straight forward, putting emphasis on the decadence. But her mask did go through a few incarnations before arriving at the final image.
sketches by Jeff Powers © 2012 |
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