Crawling Chaos
The Crawling Chaos, not to be confused
with a name often attributed to Nyarlathotep, was printed and credited as being
by Elizabeth Berkeley and Lewis Theobald, Jr. Now in reality, this story was
written solely by HPL, but was based around a letter that had been written to
him. The letter was from a fellow writer, Winifred Virginia Jackson, who is
credited under the pseudonym of Berkeley. In her letter, Jackson tells
Lovecraft of a dream she has had, and it is from that dream that this story is
based. There is a lot of interesting history between Jackson and Lovecraft,
both before and after his death, but it seems to lengthy to get into here and
hardly crucial to understanding the story.
The central protagonist of the story is
a man sick with disease who is being medicated with all sorts of opiates. Drugs
do turn up a lot in Lovecraft stories, though they often aren't featured
centrally (apart from the Herbert West stories of a drug capable of
resurrection), but in this story we have a rather psychedelic set up of
allusions to drugs opening the experiences of the mind. Not too far removed
from the scientific efforts of the doctor in From Beyond, looking to perceive
things unseen.
In the pounding paranoia of a drug
overdose, the narrator finds himself in a strange world far into the future
where the oceans are tearing away at the land. A small child appears and tells
him of the mystical land known only as Teloe, perhaps derived from the Greek
word for the end. Along with other youths, he is pulled outward toward the
lands "beyond the Milky Way" but he is distracted and looks back to
see the entire world consumed in watery cataclysm.
This final scene draws connections to
other works of Lovecraft, including Dagon. As the waves consume the world, a
hidden continent is uncovered. The endtimes world also described in Dagon and
later in some Cthulhu stories.
During the time that HPL was writing
these last few stories, roughly 1919-1921, the world was in turmoil. Coming out
of World War I and the Spanish Flu epidemic, millions of people around the
world were dead, the economy was plumetting and the world just seemed to be
falling into chaos. It is no wonder that Lovecraft would react to this
atmosphere with tales of a dismal end of all things. Conjuring up images of
shouting evangelicals citing Revelation over the grumbling nods of the
unemployed and futureless.
If you want to read this poetic
dream-fuelled trip, you can check out the full text here: HPL's The CrawlingChaos
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Illustration by Jeff Powers © 2013 |
1 comment:
Wow, this illustration is amazing. And in only two colors!
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